MARC authority

The MARC authority app allows the management of MARC authority records within FOLIO.

Definition of terms related to the MARC authority app:

  • Access point. Element in a bibliographic record intended to be searched, e.g., contributor’s name, title, subject. Also referred to as a “heading.”
  • Authority record. A record that records the authorized forms of names, subjects, and subject subdivisions to be used in constructing access points in MARC records, the forms of these names, subjects, and subject subdivisions that should be used as references to the authorized forms, and the interrelationships among these forms.
  • Authorized access point. An access point that is represented by an authority record.
  • Heading. Same as: access point.
  • Reference. An entry in an authority record that points the user to either the authorized access point or a related authorized access point.


The permissions listed below allow you to interact with the Inventory app and determine what you can or cannot do within the app. You can assign permissions to users in the Users app.

  • View MARC authority record. This permission allows the user to view authority records.
  • Edit MARC authority record. This permission allows the user to edit authority records.
  • quickMARC: View, edit MARC authority record. This permission allows the user to view and edit MARC authority records.

Creating MARC authority records

MARC authority records are created via Data import

Searching for authority records

You can search for MARC authority records in the Search & filter pane. Enter your search terms in the box and click Search. Select the Keyword drop-down list to search through one of the following:

  • Keyword. Keyword search through the title, contributor, and identifier fields.
  • Identifier (all). Keyword search through all identifier types.
  • Personal name. Keyword search through the personal name field. The search terms must be ordered as follows: Last Name, First Name, Initial.
  • Corporate/Conference name. Keyword search through the name corporate/conference name field.
  • Geographic name. Keyword search through the geographic name field. The search terms must be ordered as follows: City, State/Province, Country.
  • Name-title. Keyword search through the name-title field. The search terms must be ordered as follows: Last Name, First Name, Title.
  • Uniform title. Keyword search through the uniform title field.
  • Subject. Keyword search through all subject fields. This may include a single term, phrase, or a group of terms.
  • Children’s subject heading. Keyword search through all children’s subject heading fields.
  • Genre. Keyword search through all genre/form fields.
  • Advanced search. Keyword search through multiple fields.

Advanced Search allows you to add additional requirements to your search.

To use Advanced Search, follow these steps:

  1. Select Advanced Search in the Search & filter pane. A pop-up box will appear.
  2. Enter a search term into the first box.
  3. On the same row, click the Keyword drop-down list and select a field.
  4. To enter search terms into additional rows, you must select an operator from the AND drop-down list.
  5. Click the AND drop-down list and select an operator from the list below:
  • AND. Results include records containing all of the search terms.
  • OR. Results include all records containing at least one of the search terms.
  • NOT. Results do not include records containing the search terms in this row.
  1. Continue entering additional search terms and selecting the appropriate fields for each row.
  2. Click Search.

After performing a search, you can limit results by selecting any of the filters in the Search & filter pane.

When using filters, keep the following in mind:

  • Multiple filters can be combined to limit searches further.
  • Multiple values in the same filter are combined with “OR.”
  • Multiple values in different filters are combined with “AND.”

Browsing authority headings and references

You can browse for MARC authority records in the Search & filter pane. Enter your search terms in the box and click Search. Select the Select a browse option drop-down list to search through one of the following:

  • Personal name.
  • Corporate/Conference name.
  • Geographic name.
  • Name-title.
  • Uniform title.
  • Subject.
  • Genre.

Viewing a MARC authority record

The full MARC record opens in the third pane once you search for and select an authority record. The heading or reference you selected will be highlighted in the record.

Editing MARC authority records

Updating MARC authority records via Data import

Editing MARC authority records via quickMARC

When viewing the MARC authority record you wish to edit, click Edit in the upper right. The record opens in edit mode. In the Edit MARC authority record window, you can perform the following actions:

  • Add a field. To add a field, click the +. The new field appears below.
  • Delete a field. To delete a field, click the trash can icon. The field is deleted.
  • Move a field up. To move a field up, click the up arrow in the row of the field you want to move. The field is moved one row up.
  • Move a field down. To move a field down, click the down arrow in the row of the field you want to move. The field is moved one row down.
  • Edit text within a field. Click into a field to make changes to the text. Once you have made your desired changes, click Save & close. A confirmation record appears, and the record is updated.

Validations and restrictions

A subfield is defined by a $ (dollar sign).
Tags must consist of 3 numeric characters.
Indicators must consist of single characters.

The following validation rules and restrictions apply:

  • Fields 001 and 999ff are system supplied and cannot be edited or deleted.
  • The LDR cannot be edited.
  • 1xx is required and non-repeatable.
  • No other validation is performed.
Last modified October 5, 2022